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Yoga Posture Certification

Welcome to our Yoga Teacher Certification Program! Our 20-hour program is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the principles of Yoga Therapy. Our program covers various physical and mental aspects of yoga, helping you to improve your overall health and well-being. During the program, you will learn different postures, breathing techniques, and mindfulness practices that are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of your students.

Our program offers a comprehensive curriculum that will help you gain a greater understanding of the human body, its movement, and its limitations. Through this program, you will learn how to help your students experience increased flexibility, strength, and relaxation. Additionally, you will learn how to help your students achieve mental clarity and emotional balance through the practice of yoga.

Upon completion of our 20-hour Yoga Teacher Certification Program, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a successful yoga teacher. We look forward to supporting you on your journey to becoming a certified yoga teacher and helping you share the benefits of yoga with others.

Yoga Posture Certification
Sound Therapy Certification
Sound Therapy Certification

Welcome to our Tibetan/Nepalese Sound Healer Certification Program! Our 6-hour program is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the principles of Sound Bath Therapy using ancient seven metal bowls. Our program covers the therapeutic use of sound to promote relaxation, well-being, and inner peace.

During the program, you will learn how to use the resonant tones produced by the seven metal bowls to deeply penetrate the body and promote healing. You will discover how sound therapy can bring peace and harmony into the mind, body, and soul, and how it can help you achieve a newfound sense of inner peace and harmony with the universe.

Our program offers a comprehensive curriculum that will help you gain a greater understanding of the therapeutic use of sound and how to incorporate it into your healing practice. Upon completion of our Tibetan/Nepalese Sound Healer Certification Program, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a certified sound healer. We look forward to supporting you on your journey to becoming a certified sound healer and helping you share the transformative power of Sound Bath Therapy with others.

Yoga Nidra Therapy Certification

Welcome to our Yoga Nidra Therapy Teacher Certification Program! Our 6-hour program is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the principles and practices of Yoga Nidra Therapy. Our program draws upon the ancient wisdom of Yoga Nidra from the East to help individuals address common issues such as Insomnia, stress, anxiety, and frustration.

During the program, you will learn how to guide individuals through a series of meditative practices that are extremely potent for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our experienced instructors will teach you how to use Yoga Nidra Therapy to help individuals achieve deep relaxation and inner peace. You will also learn how to help individuals tap into their body's natural healing mechanisms, release tension and stress, and cultivate a sense of inner calm and balance.

Our program offers a comprehensive curriculum that will help you gain a greater understanding of the transformative and holistic practice of Yoga Nidra Therapy. Upon completion of our Yoga Nidra Therapy Teacher Certification Program, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a certified Yoga Nidra Therapy teacher. We look forward to supporting you on your journey to becoming a certified Yoga Nidra Therapy teacher and helping you share the benefits of this practice with others.

Yoga Nidra Therapy Certification
GuruKula Deconstruction Meditation
GuruKula Deconstructive Meditation Certification

Welcome to our Gurukula Deconstruction Meditation Teacher Certification Program! Our 100-hour program is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the principles and practices of Gurukula Deconstruction Meditation, a powerful technique developed by the Gurukula Foundation.

During the program, you will learn how to guide individuals through a step-by-step process of dissolving accumulated mental constructions, allowing them to explore their own innate nature and elevate their intrinsic spirituality. The programme teaches instructors who guide individuals to a state of greater stability, making them less susceptible to confusion, doubt, and mental disorders.

Our program offers a comprehensive curriculum that will help you gain a greater understanding of the transformative power of Gurukula Deconstruction Meditation. You will learn how this technique can bring freshness, vigor, and vitality to an individual's life and bestow purpose and fulfillment. Additionally, you will learn how to help individuals develop compassion for all beings and cultivate multi-dimensional thinking.

After successfully completing our Gurukula Deconstruction Meditation Teacher Certification Program, you will possess the knowledge and skills required to become a certified teacher of Gurukula Deconstruction Meditation. We are excited to assist you in your journey towards certification and look forward to helping you spread the benefits of this powerful technique to others.

Check out our Classes and Workshop to fit your schedule