Address: GuruKula Foundation
107 Gallagher Ct,
Morrisville, NC 27560
GuruKula comes from the Sanskrit language and contains two words Guru and Kula(family/tradition). "Gu" meaning darkness or filth, and "Ru" meaning to break or uplift, reflecting our goal being in a tradition of helping individuals break free from darkness and uplift their lives in a spiritual essence.
The mission of GuruKula foundation is not to provide a temporary solution to the mental health issues but to reach to the core of the mental health problem itself to find out from where it arises and help individuals turn that poison to the medicine and guide them to the self/spiritual nourishment. We use evidence-based ancient/modern techniques and methods to reach our goal to enlighten the mind, the Body and the soul which we aim to bring forth easy access to all.

Rajesh Karki

Kelanie Crosswait

Alecia McAllister

Lisa Vasi Devi